Our negative thoughts can become like runaway horses. 




Receive or Recover

What does FEAR mean to you? And if you're in the first category, how do you move yourself to the second one? 

First, you have to determine what methods you use to run. Do you zone out by spending hours on your I-phone or computer. Do you escape by going through your local drive through or stopping at the convenience store and loading up with a bag of chips, candy bars, and other food  to stuff yourself with? Or, maybe, you run away by gambling, drinking, shopping, or taking to your bed and sleeping.

Once you have identified what you use to help you run away, then the action you take is stop. Put the plug in the jug or its equivalent. Then, once you have done that, then you get down to the busines of "facing it" but not in the same spirit as you face your boss when you are called on the carpet. No, you "face it" by walking towards it with your arms open wide as if you were going to hug a giant teddy bear or tame a runaway horse. 

Easier said then done, you say. Yes, it is. So, start there. Grab your closest mental health counselor, confidant, mentor, sponsor, friend, mother-figure (the non critical versions of these) and say everything you are thinking. The runaway thoughts will begin to slow down because you've relaxed in the sharing of them. The thoughts or these runaway horses, will know they can trust you because you are willing to take the ride and not dig in your painful spurs or pull hard on the reins.

Once the major wave of fear energy is addressed, then the next step is to make a plan. Most dreams are never accomplished because our fears create a cycle of procrastination or inaction.   After you've spoken to your trusted advisor, take a piece of paper and a pen and write down the top three steps you believe you need to complete to move you closer to solving your problem or achieving your goal. You can list more than three, but three is a good number to start with.

Then make a commitment to your trusted confident and set a date (with pen and paper of course) as to when you will meet with them to give them an update. 

If you will do these things, then you will have moved yourself from the Forget Everything And Run category to the Face Everything And Receive!


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