How to face life when you have a pansy temperament

When it comes to life's character building moments, I can be such a pansy. And like a pansy, I'm really good at putting on a bright flowery show as if I have an abundance of inner strength. But I'm really only one strong wind from having my blossoms blown off. There are times I wish I had the steady inner oak tree fortitude that some of my friends seem to possess when faced with challenging circumstances. They might be scarred by a bolt of lightening but they're still standing as strong as they ever were. Instead, a strong freeze could wither my roots if I don't pay attention to the temperature of the soil I'm grounded in and spend time providing protective cover. This last year has been particularly marked by circumstances which haven't gone as smoothly as I would have preferred. My preference for life is like the pansy's: full sunlight in moderate temperatures with plenty of water. Lately, though, several blustery winds and extreme dips and ...