The Mandala Affect
When God wanted to take a break from the stress of creating the universe, He took out his paintbrush and doodled in the sand, the stars, and the flowers.
At the end of the work day, you could take a clue from your Creator and get out your marking pens and sit in silence while you color a Mandala.
At the end of the work day, you could take a clue from your Creator and get out your marking pens and sit in silence while you color a Mandala.
In its literal Sanskrit translation, a mandala symbolizes the container of sacred essence we all are. You can see this mandala theme reflected in the human physiology in the design of your eyes or the uniqueness of your fingerprint. Over the course of civilization, nearly every culture has revealed a reverence for a symbol of sacredness through religious or spiritual structures such as the grand cathedrals of Christianity to the mosques and synagogues of Muslim and Jewish traditions. In less ostentatious ways but no less meaningful are the medicine wheel and dream catchers of Native Americans or the Celtic Cross.
As a tool of meditation, creating and coloring a mandala can be readily and freely obtained. It's accessible for people of all ages and abilities. And it's a tool to communicate with your Creator and the sacred essence of you when the stressors of the day steal your breath away.
As a tool of meditation, creating and coloring a mandala can be readily and freely obtained. It's accessible for people of all ages and abilities. And it's a tool to communicate with your Creator and the sacred essence of you when the stressors of the day steal your breath away.
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