Eat Up the Fruit

Any effort you make to quiet your mind and allow a Higher Plane of Consciousness to emerge will develop personal characteristics which will be abundantly obvious to you and those around you.

These qualities will grow Prosperity in every segment of your life--including economically. 

So how can you cultivate this connection?
1. Acknowledge you have the ability to access this part of consciousness. Some people believe God is Out There and others believe it's Within. Wherever you believe God to Exist, give yourself the gift of Access.

2. Choose a Time each day to Spend in Quiet. The ideal setting is one in which you aren't Multi-Tasking. But if your schedule is so busy that the only time you have to reach out or in for your God Consciousness is when you're in the shower or on your commute, then by all means take that time.

3. Pick a phrase or visualize a location which helps reduce your feelings of pressure. Imagine there are no deadlines for you to meet and there's no agenda for you to accomplish.

4. Breathe. Even if you think you're breathing, take a breath to make sure. 

5. Expect nothing during this time. The fruits will become abundant over time and you will notice them more and more as you go about your Daily Living Experiences.

6. Share what you do with others. Some may be receptive and others might not Believe You. But speaking about your routine, will keep you committed to it.

7. Enjoy Your Fruits.


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