
Showing posts from November, 2013

You deserve a HALT from the holiday frenzy

Pumpkin pie, Aunt Mable Dallas Cowboys Washing dishes 4 a.m. shopping More pumpkin pie When it comes to the holiday season, overload is an American pastime. If you ask many Americans, they will tell you that while they like the time they spend with their family, they don't like what they perceive as the requisite activities. By the end of a what is supposed to be a day of experiencing gratitude for the non-material aspects of our lives, most Americans are exhausted, short-tempered, and ready for a second nap. So are we obligated to drive ourselves batty in making sure we arrive at the mall parking lot before the sun rises. Our actions seem to say we do. Maybe this won't be the year you will live up to your vow of simplicity for the holidays. That's okay. You can still monitor your sense of well-being by taking a short inventory of your physical and mental status. Take a H.A.L.T. Hungry Angry Lonely Tired If you feel any of those things, then b...

Entertaining Angels

Forget not to show love unto strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Hebrews 13:2 No doubt about it, these two Sister Angels showed hospitality and love to a stranger: me  This week, one of the sisters passed on to  entertain  the angels in heaven. I met the Sister Angels six years ago when I worked for the small college in the new town I had moved to. I was as lonely and homesick as I had ever been and spent many early days wondering what I had done to deserve this banishment to the remote desert of Southeast New Mexico. As a New Age Northern Liberal, I wondered  if I would ever again come across people who might satisfy the longing for connection I felt my new home lacked. Then one afternoon, Sister Angel Number One walked in to sell me advertising. Not an unusual solicitation for the position I held, but the aura about the sales rep made me take a few extra minutes to inquire about her work.   Details of the initial con...

Trust the Process

The Process of Changing a life-style is more important than reaching a goal or measuring a performance--Theodore Issac Rubin What is a process? It's a series of steps or stages and it's most definitely the mixing of a variety of independent elements to make a new creation. So, the individual aspects of the process are important because the quality of them will determine the quality of the goal or performance. I pray that on a daily basis my individual interactions with others add up to a whole, quality life., Great Deals. Great Brands.

Remember to BREATHE

Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Genesis 2:7 Has your life knocked the breath out of you? No wonder, as multi-tasking has been tagged as the the working person's holy grail when it comes to getting it done.  But for all of the star treatment multi-tasking has garnered over the years,  efficiency experts  are now learning that focusing on one task at a time is more productive than attempting to complete many things. If you find yourself distracted and scattered throughout the day, spending a few minutes in paying attention to your breathing can bring back your focus.  According to integrative health physician  Andrew Weil, M.D. , "practicing regular, mindful breathing can be calming and energizing and can even help with stress-related health problems ranging from panic attacks to digestive disorders." Breathing by its very nature is a sing...

What to do when you've been snookered

We posted the electric lift chair on Craig's List for $500 with my cell phone number as the contact. Two separate parties sent a text indicating their interest and one asked if we would be willing to accept a check and the extra funds on the check would be used to pay for the shipping to their location.  When the postman came yesterday, he said the envelope was postage due: $7.11. What went through my head when I paid the postage due? "This is an elderly or disabled person who is of modest means and didn't adhere enough stamps to the envelope." The postage was not a problem for me and I thanked the courteous postal man for delivering the letter to me instead of returning it to the sender. When I opened the envelope, this check was inside: Whoa! That's a lot of extra money to pay for delivery of a chair. But my momma didn't raise no fool (at least not a complete one)! A Google search for Granite Planet in Tulsa, Okla., brought no hit and a call to ...